A Garden For Arrangements That Are Good Enough To Eat


An edible garden is a captivating accent when planted just outside your kitchen or deck. This ensures that the chef in the house always has access to fresh plants, herbs, and veggies that can enhance simple dishes or recipes. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Getting ready to plant

Don't try to create a garden plot that is too large, or it may create more work than you intend. Clear a space, no bigger than 5'x6', and get rid of any weeds or grass that might be present. Cover the area with compost and edge the space with pavers or stones.

Laying out your edible garden

How you lay out your edible garden will make a big difference in the appearance and success of your plants. It is important to plant taller plants toward the back, and keep shorter seedlings in the front or around the edges of your space. Some more tips are:

  • Plant onions or scallions in the center.
  • Plant mustard greens and rosemary shrubs near the back due to the height and size of these plants.
  • Edge with plants like parsley and lettuce that will be easy to reach and that are shorter plants when mature.

Choosing the right plants

The height of the plants commands where they belong in your edible garden, as well as how much sun they will receive. Here are some tips regarding selection of plants:

  • Shorter herbs include sage, lemon balm, and Chervil.
  • Taller herbs include Oregano, Fennel, and Garlic. These should not be in the front, but more toward the middle for the best sun.
  • Some low-growing vegetables include swiss chard, summer squash, and arugula. These should be near the border of the garden for optimal growth and sunlight.
  • Plant tall vegetable plants such as snap peas, asparagus, and scarlet runner beans near the back of your display.

Harvesting tips for your garden

Be careful when harvesting plants from your garden that you only remove the leaves of the plants that you plan to imminently use. When you have removed all of the leaves or fruit from your plants, replant other herbs or veggies to take their place. Replace lettuce, for instance, with plants that typically bloom later in the season or in the fall, such as pumpkins and squash.

Depending on where you live, there is a bounty of plants, herbs, and vegetables that can comprise your edible garden. Try a combination of those plants that you know you enjoy eating and that thrive in the environment with some that might be new to you and your family. Clipping and enjoying your harvest can enhance your meals, as well as give your garden a tasty, inviting appearance!

If you're more interested in flowers than edible plants, contact Fasan Florist.


5 March 2015

Furniture to Grow Old With

Even as a child, I was an indoor person. Despite the fact that I lived on a ranch and had a hundred acres of land to roam on, I preferred reading a book while sitting in the most comfortable recliner in my home. I’m referring to that soft, plush, and luxurious piece of furniture that you absolutely have to force yourself to get out of. When I became a homeowner, my primary quest was to find a suitable replacement for my childhood retreat. I researched, examined, and sat in numerous chairs before I finally found the one, the beautiful tan piece of furniture that I wanted to grow old with. On this blog, I want to share with others the importance of buying the perfect furniture items for your home, the ones you never will want to part with.