
Why Choose Quartz Countertops Over Stone

Home & Garden Blog

When it comes to choosing countertops for your kitchen during a renovation, you most likely want to turn your head at everything except for stone. This is because stone is the most natural in appearance and does increase the value of your home. However, stone countertops can be expensive. If you are wondering what you can do to lower the cost of your kitchen renovation while still increasing the value of your home, then you should definitely consider turning to quartz countertops instead.

7 January 2015

Removing Rodents

Home & Garden Blog

If you are a homeowner and you have noticed that there are mouse droppings showing up in areas within your home, you most likely have more than one rodent harboring within your walls. Mice can be pesky intruders that cause destruction to insulation and woodwork. You will want to try some methods to deter mice from wanting to live inside your home. Here are some ways you can dissuade mice to leave and a few ways that you can use to trap or kill them.

26 December 2014

How To Clean Your Oriental Rug

Home & Garden Blog

Whether your oriental rug is an heirloom or something you recently purchased, cleaning it is very important. Cleaning your oriental rug is done in a few different ways. You need to routinely clean and maintain your rug, as well as deep clean it, to keep it looking great. See below for a few routine and deep cleaning tips. Routine Cleaning And Maintenance Vacuum Regularly. When you vacuum the rest of your home, vacuum your rug as well.

19 December 2014